Wednesday, November 09, 2011

three emergency wards

july, santo domingo

d and i had met the day before, for the first time, for the umpteenth time. fevers of all kinds surrounding us.

at the ward, a child white and faded on his mother's lap, a girl with legs streaked bright raw red, a confused old man sleeping on a chair, and me, waiting behind the curtain.

exams, a kiss, an angry rich mother from the states, giggles, an injection, a breathing mask removed, another kiss...

doctor tells d it doesn't look like malaria, but it could be; and it doesn't look like dengue, but it could be... and with this - and other uncertainties - we emerge from the emergency ward blinking into the blue light of the Caribbean sun

august, istanbul

little sister has a pain in her ribcage. a doctor is called in. doctor and assistant arrive, ER-style with ambulance, defib, and speed. deliberation concludes trip to hospital warranted. little sister strapped in back, big sister sat by driver. siren, racing down the tram tracks, uphill cobbled streets, loudspeaker, pedestrians running, reversing, cars swerving out the way, two continents covered...

back in the ward, a gentle doctor tells us it's nothing serious. another injection. a hug. a long distance call to one other continent. and a slow mosque-lined taxi ride back to Europe, dinner and rest.

november, london

i was so happy enjoying my first ride on my new bike, and suddenly (it's always suddenly) a big black car appears in front of me, turning left into my path. i break. i go into cab. i fall.

for a moment, i close my eyes and decide i'll stay there forever. lying on the tarmac, feeling tiny drops of drizzle on my face, people asking questions... but i must be responsible, and must not worry others unduly, and must do the things normal people do. self-preservation.

so i open my eyes and a woman is asking if i'm ok, and a man is leaning over, and another has my bike. lovely khalid and nigel hall help me put my bike in a safe place and take me to emergencies. long waits when broken bones suspected, the mechanics of triage. X-rays show ligaments stressed, bones well.

diagnosis: a sling, friends and painkillers.

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