Monday, December 21, 2009


it's impossible. you will never find yourself facing a bicycle coming in the opposite direction along the canal. you will never have to break suddenly on the one icy patch on the road after the man dithers on which side of you to go. you will never find yourself falling on the ice, counting your lucky stars that you fell on the floor, not the canal. your bicycle will never unexpectedly continue to slide and fall into the canal. you will not, ever, think, relieved, "at least it was the bike not me". you will never in a billion years then feel that the bike, impossibly, keeps pulling you in on its downward path towards the deep. and see your slide into the canal, as your head goes under, gloves, hat, waterproof jacket and all. and put your hands up and feel two pairs of hands grasping and pulling. out of the water. shivering. dripping hysteria and impossible arrangements of cells and atoms. a strange fish, indeed.

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