Monday, January 15, 2007


taxi ride home, london upside down on the thames. blue trees, towering gherking, stratospheric domes. shimmering in the pinklight. a full working night. last night. bag of presents. pink frog. maybe a prince or two. pints in the champion with bristol girl. bounce back for tapas. phone phone phone glow. flowery measuring tape so innocent and yet leading to such a dirty conversation that janet street porter blushes on the table next to us. brandy in cafe kick, newly painted flags shining underfoot. a hat so so so so fetching. bus ride home. no, stop at guanabara for last minute birthday kiss. walk to the aldwich. wonder at last day non-last day feeling. taxi ride. london upside down on the thames. everything upside down. everything glowing. glowing.

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