Friday, December 22, 2006

work-related rant

i really don't understand what joy people may get from getting all worked up about things and making them worse by stewing about them inside. it just seems to me a total waste of precious energy. not to mention how it makes other people's lives a misery.

if you are unhappy with something: change it.
if you don't like the situation you're in: move on.
if you're upset with somebody: tell them.

for crying out loud! that thing towards the bottom of your face is called a "mouth", and, among other things, it can be used to do something called "talking". useful little wet thing...

there. a-hem.

"ok high-horse, you can stop your mighty galloping now, so i can quietly get off..."


  1. For the girl with the most obscure/subtle/hint-y blogposts in town, I can't help but find this one...ironic & amusing...! Well done!

  2. H - have you forgotten, you're dealing with mainly ENGLISH folks here.

    * I let out a big sigh of sympathy *

  3. i am all too aware, ml, all too aware. but so long as i can rant away somewhere, to someone, then i know i have the patience and inner peace necessary to deal with it all...
