Thursday, July 13, 2006

sensible advice?

my american-yanqui friend listens to my stories. thinks. then tells me i should be the creative one in my next relationship.

so, out with the painters, writers, actors, sculptors and in with the bankers, doctors, stock-brokers?

then again, american-yanquis can sometimes be terribly wrong....


  1. My rule-of-thumb always used to be...someone who can do stuff that you can't. Someone who's impressive. Someone who takes your breath away. My hormone-powered younger self interpreted this as physical beauty. I guess that bit's still there actually, hanging around the periphery. But I realise nowadays that there's more to it than that. At least...I think I do.

    Or I really am still that shallow? Hmmm.

  2. good advice, but i gets hard when you think you can do everything, you're impressive and you take your breath away!


  3. the yankee has a good point. i would interpret it as follows:

    choose to be with someone who somehow magically opens the doors to your creativity, not someone who shuts them.

    its all about open doors (and windows...)

  4. Hmmm. Marie-louise makes a fine point.

    (personally I'm just relieved I didn't mention 'big tits' in my previous post...then I really would have sounded shallow...oh, hang on...)
